As The Tables Turn

A new trend largely evident in social media is Men Crying for Equality. Go to any Tom, Dick and Harry’s profile, you’ll find at least one post demonizing the unfair treatment of men and the preferential advantages that women are given in society today. Any woman can come out with a false story of a man molesting/raping her and have the man publicly slandered and thrown in jail. There have been instances where women have falsely accused some innocent guy of touching her inappropriately and had the guy beaten by the gathering mob.

While I don’t agree with what’s happening, I do understand why it’s happening. It’s called Cause and Effect.

We raped, pillaged, subjugated and abused womankind for many a millennium, yet we plead for male equality now that women are giving us a taste of our own medicine!

Isaac Newton was right: Every Action has an Equal and Opposite Reaction.

Ah, Karma, thou art a heartless bitch!

Now that women are returning the favour, men are screaming for fairness and equality. We are a pitiful and pathetic, indeed. We had no problem for centuries as we (men) did as we pleased – enslaving women, killing their children, raping their dignity, subjugating them to a life of shame. But, now, as women are bringing the fight to us, we are cowering like frightened dogs. We even burned them alive on the funeral pyre, all in the name of religion, just to appease our false sense of supremacy [Practice of Sati].

What the hell did we expect was going to happen?

When men were dominating every aspect of a woman’s life, we never heard them speak out for women or that they deserved respect; we were too busy establishing our dominance by beating defenceless and helpless women. Yet, now that they want equality or are taking advantage of the fact, we are scared. We are finally getting the medicine that we brewed for centuries, and it is all the more potent because of it.

Any man, when pushed to his limits is capable of anything.” Same applies to women. We squeezed them and we hammered them to the point of desperation. We pushed women, pushed them to the extreme corners of darkness, and now they have risen up against us, using our own tricks against us.

From a certain perspective, men deserve it. We have almost destroyed the world in our mad rush for money and a false sense of prosperity. We have been at the helm for far too long. Maybe it’s time for another, more sensible, gender to take up the job correcting the atrocities of man.

“The sins of the father are paid for by the son.” It’s time we owned up to our mistakes and accepted the fact that Karma isn’t fair, it’s poetic. Unfortunately this time the table has turned, against us. Men crying out for equality – is as pathetic as it is hypocritical. Men must learn to respect women for who they are and we will find them more forgiving.

What we reap is what we sow

Hell hath no fury than a woman scorned. We would do well to remember this the next time we look at a woman with unsavoury intentions.

Image result for as ye sow so shall ye reap

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