Game of Thrones Season 7 – Review

The Wall Comes Down While The Ugliness Abounds – GoT Season 7

Game of Thrones – Season 7

From left: Cercei & Jaime Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Jon Snow & Daenerys Targaryen

Straight off the bat, Season 7 of Game of Thrones is a TV show full of plot-holes with serious narrative missteps which aren’t something that you expect of the most popular TV show in recent memory. While the grand scale of spectacles and the long-awaited revelations were impressive and made for some truly remarkable moments, the season lacked the overall magnificence that fans have come to expect from a franchise like GoT.

The season seemed lackluster and it looked like the characters were being used as narrative sock puppets to push the story the way the writers wanted it to go, not caring how badly it affected the storyline as a whole. The episodes jump from place to place, skipping over the long periods of travel, not even bothering to take them into account. The bad writing and the incoherent time-jumps brought about several inconsistencies which ruined the experience for the more serious GoT fans.

The Arya-Sansa arc was less than satisfying as it could have used clarity rather than misdirection. The Lannister army’s confrontation (read defeat) against the unstoppable Dothraki force and Dany’s dragons was disappointing, to say the least. Also, the goof up with the raven reaching Dany instantaneously and her super-prompt response diluted a highly tense situation into a laughable sequence; a lot worse than Lord Varys’ time-jumps in the previous season. All the seven episodes are replete with such plot-holes and bad writing choices saved only by the immense popularity that the show currently enjoys. The whole season seemed deliberately rushed as if the producers wanted to put something on air so that they could make some quick cash. Totally unacceptable!

Will It End With A Bang or Fizzle Out Completely?

Season 7 - Viserion
The Night King’s new mount in Season 7 – Viserion

The overall quality of the show took a steep nosedive which most fans aren’t pleased about, a trait common in Hollywood Blockbusters. The fans covet the show and want it to be as impressive as it was before, without compromising the quality or the script.

Yet, there were moments which reminded us why GoT is still numero uno in the TV circuit. The Starks finally getting revenge against a number of their foes (something we’ve been desperately waiting for since Ned Stark lost his head in Season 1). Olenna Tyrell’s death as she lets the Lannisters know the culprit responsible for the death of their sadistic & cruel King Joffrey. Theon’s cowardice and his eventual redemption. The Night King taking down Viserion and taking the dragon as his new mount. The fall of the Wall and the beginning of the war. These scenes were simply outstanding. If only the whole season was as tastefully handled, the show would have reached new heights of greatness and would have duly cemented its place as the best TV show, ever.

Though Game of Thrones has left George R.R. Martin’s books behind, it is still no excuse for the show’s poor writing and overall storytelling. Game of Thrones was never about style; it was always about substance. The show deserves better; the fans deserve better.

For all its flaws, season 7 still manages to deliver some great moments in few of the episodes. Make no mistake Game of Thrones is one of the most ingenious shows on television. But, will it go out with a bang like Breaking Bad and make us revere it for evermore or will it simply fizzle out of our memories like Dexter?

We’ll see.

Verdict of The Idiot

Idiot-o-Meter: Take It Easy, Dude!

The Idiot’s Rating System:

4.0 – 5.0: The Dude Abides!
3.0 – 4.0: Far Out, Man!
2.0 – 3.0: Take It Easy, Dude!
1.0 – 2.0: You’re Out Of Your Element!
0.0 – 1.0: The Goddamn Plane Has Crashed Into The Mountain!


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