Fan Theory – Part I

Fan Theories And Their Twisted, Yet, Perfectly Plausible Explanations. Pt. I

Fan Theory

Fan Theory

Someone has rightly said that fan theories are like panipuri/golgappa: we know they won’t fill our stomach or ease our hunger, yet we can’t stop consuming them because they’re fun to eat. Thanks to the internet everyone has an opinion on everything, and we can’t help but take advantage of this fact. So, I have compiled a huge list of fan theories on famous movies which are sure to blow your mind. Some of them are a bit far-fetched, but, some are so spot-on that they will leave you dazed and confused.

At the end of the day, these are just theories from eager fans. So, if it makes you feel comfortable, accept the theory. If it creeps you out, just ignore it.


F.R.I.E.N.D.S – Fan Theory

Fan Theory

  • F.R.I.E.N.D.S was a figment of a homeless Phoebe Buffay’s imagination.

I live F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Hence, this theory makes me cry so much so that I really want to deny it, vehemently. We all know that Phoebe Buffay was imaginative as hell and had her own delusions about everyday normal things. The theory states that the entire 10 seasons of the popular sitcom was the meth-addled fantasy of a homeless Phoebe as she stared through the window of Central Perk. The episodes were merely her fevered imagination, projecting herself into the lives of five other people. All she ever wanted was friends, friends who would placate her with, “Don’t worry, Phoebe, I’ll be there for you


Harry Potter – Fan Theory

Fan Theory

  1. Harry Potter never left the cupboard under the stairs.

Harry Potter is a boy with mental illness and the entire story spins around his various ‘delusions’ including Hogwarts, that is actually a mental institute. Yes, Harry Potter was all just dream if this fan theory is to be believed. Harry is a small and skinny lad who lives in a tiny cupboard under the stairs. He is treated poorly and abused on a regular basis by his only living family – the Dursleys. They even refuse to acknowledge Harry as a human being most of the time. Driven mad by isolation and emotional neglect, Harry imagines his life at Hogwarts as a way to cope with the abuse he suffered.
He comes up with the elaborate Hogwarts fantasy, with friends to occupy his time, magic spells to fix the problems he is powerless to fix, and explanations and excuses for the Dursleys’ real-life abuse. A lucky break for a kid who needed one desperately? It’s been well documented that victims of abuse can sometimes escape into an alternate reality of sorts (created as a coping mechanism) for years at a time when trying to deal with an abusive situation.

  1. The Dursleys were good people before Harry Potter came in their lives.

The Dursleys were the worst adoptive parents you could ever hope for. But why were Harry Potter’s aunt and uncle so cruel, and why would his mother or his future-headmaster have left Harry with such awful people? The answer, as some fans believe, lies in the story of the Horcrux. Remember what happened between Ron and Harry in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows because of Slytherin’s locket? The piece of Voldemort’s soul contained in the cursed locket fed on those around it, darkening their spirits until even the Harry and his friends were paranoid and filled with hatred and jealousy.
If Dumbledore is actually right when he tells Harry that he is the last Horcrux – the one that Voldemort never meant to make – it explains why Petunia and Vernon Dursley might have been a loving family before Harry arrived. But, their love and compassion were overpowered by hatred as they shared their home for a decade with a piece of Voldemort.


Titanic – Fan Theory

Fan Theory


  1. Jack Dawson never existed.

There’s a popular belief that the Titanic‘s male lead, Jack Dawson (Leonardo DiCaprio), is a figment of Rose DeWitt Bukater’s imagination created due to having an abusive fiancée. Rose makes Jack up to muster enough courage to finally stand up and leave Cal for good. She invents the persona of Jack during a psychotic episode in order to distract her from her insufferable reality as an upper-class woman. Jack is a projection of Rose’s subconscious that appears at the perfect moment to save her and to help her realize her independence. This theory explains why there are no records of Jack and why the elderly Rose said, Jack “exists only in my memories.”

  1. Jack Dawson is actually a time traveller.

Some fans believe that there is more to Titanic than meets the eye. The prevailing theory is that Jack is a time traveller sent back in time to prevent Rose from committing suicide. First off, Jack doesn’t have any currency for this time period, so he has to gamble in order to get the ticket at all. Also, throughout the movie, Jack can be heard making various references to man-made structures that didn’t exist until after the sinking of the RMS Titanic. Example – Jack mentions Lake Wissota, which was made five years later, and a roller coaster on Santa Monica Pier, which was constructed four years later. Lastly, his rucksack and haircut seems out of place for the time, the latter being popularized in the 1930s.


The Lord of the Rings – Fan Theory

Fan Theory

  • Gandalf’s original plan was to fly Frodo to Mordor with the help of the Eagles

By the end of The Return of the King, fans and critics alike had the same question in their mind: why didn’t Gandalf the Grey just get the eagles to fly the ring into Mordor and destroy it the moment he found it? Well, one fan theory claims that indeed was Gandalf’s plan the entire time. The problem was that with Sauron’s spies lurking everywhere, Gandalf didn’t want to share the plan with the Fellowship until they were safe, on the other side of the mountains where the evil wizard Saruman couldn’t stop them or send word ahead to Mordor. But, Gandalf didn’t count on his fight with the Balrog in the mines of Moria. His last words to the Fellowship tried to clue them in: “Fly, you fools!” And, when he returns from the dead as Gandalf the White he’d forgotten about it completely.


Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory – Fan Theory

Fan Theory

  1. Willy Wonka was a notorious child killer and a cannibal.

This fan theory is a bit gross and is sure to spoil the image of our beloved Willy Wonka. The theory argues that Willy Wonka fired employees from his factory because they almost found out the secret formula to his candy. What secret? That he lures children to his factory with the company acting as a front for his evil deeds and then sets up elaborate traps to kill them. Out of the lucky winners to go inside the candy factory, one kid (Augustus) gets sucked up a chocolate river, one blows up like a blueberry (Violet), and one (Veruca) slot down a hatch to the incinerator. The theory maintains that the kids are all dead and their corpses are the secret ingredients for Wonka’s famous chocolates. It is important to note that the Oompa-Loompas had foreknowledge of the names of the victims and they prepare the song and dance routines based on it.

  1. Willy Wonka turns the children into Oompa Loompas.

If you have seen the movie, you know that Oompa Loompas and their origins are never explained. It’s just somehow accepted that Willy Wonka owns these enslaved and inhuman creatures. After each victim is recruited, they sing their song about greed and how it won’t get you anywhere, their anthem. If you can believe that Violet Beauregarde gets de-juiced, and Mike Teavee gets gum-stretcher-stretched back to human-size from mouse-size, then it’s not that hard to suspect Willy Wonka to be an insane wizard who turns greedy children into enslaved Oompa Loompas.


While some of these stories are quite dubious, the others are way more convincing than they have any right to be.

Fan Theory

What do you think?

Fan Theories – Part II coming up shortly!



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