What Movie Cliché Do You Hate The Most?

Movie Cliché – The Physics-Defying World of Films

Movie Cliche

Some answers offer insight into a particular item while others offer insights into multiple things. Then there are answers that completely cover all the different aspects of the question, and then some. Browsing through my Quora feed, I came across one such answer by a Physics teacher that I follow. It’d be a shame not to share his witty answer with the rest of humanity.

What Movie Cliché Do You Hate The Most? Answered by Dave Consiglio on Quora

Movie Cliche

Car Accidents That People Survive Without Incident

Cars regularly get into accidents in the real world…and people die or are maimed or paralyzed or have broken bones, etc. And these are accidents that often take place at 40mph (~65kmph) or less.

But in the movies, our hero and his attractive lady friend can get into an accident at 102mph, flip the car 37 times, and crawl to safety just before the car explodes.

The consequence?

Our hero has a sexy thin cut on his face that is just red, but does not actually bleed (or maybe just a little). His lady friend has perfect hair and makeup and none of the bones of her face are visible through her skin, which is surprising considering the nature of their recent accident.

Now, if bad guys are in the accident, they’re super duper dead. Not just ordinary dead, but “holy mother of physics-defying explosions they’re not even gonna find bones in that wreckage” dead.

Side-peeve: Cars don’t explode when they crash. Like, ever. Not even Formula 1 or NASCAR cars explode when they crash, and those things are going 200+ mph and use racing fuel.

Side-side-peeve: Everyone knows how to drive 102mph in the movies and not just hit a tree or flip the car. Baloney.

Side-side-side-peeve: The whole “bad guys just die” thing is also true of bad guys getting punched. Good guy gets punched eleventy-thirty-nine times and he’s just pissed off and a little bloodied. Anonymous bad guy gets punched one time and he’s not only super duper dead, but half the time his body disappears, almost as if the hero’s punch is so powerful that it vaporizes enemies.

Worst Movie Cliché – The Answer Changes

Movie Cliche

I want to change my answer. One Punch Death to Bad Guy is worse than the car thing. It’s SO annoying. People don’t usually die when you punch them, but they groan and fall over and are mad and stuff. But in the movies, one punch death to bad guy happens all the time, as does “1139 punches to good guy results in sexy bloodied eyebrow but definitely no permanent damage”.

Oh, and another one: Movie Women in Horrifically Traumatic Circumstances, Scenarios That Would Send Most Normal Women to a Therapist for a Year, Typically Have a Sudden Undeniable Urge to Have Sex With the Protagonist. What is up with that? You just got shot at, fell out of a moving car, and got chased by an insane clown or some zombies or something. So, TINA, how do you feel? Horny? Yeah, that makes sense.

Movie Cliche

I want to change my answer again. Insatiable Terrified Woman is so dumb. I’ve seen women get actually scared by stuff before. Lots of them cry, or get really quiet, or hide from the horrors they’re witnessing like normal people. They don’t suddenly start making out with the nearest dude.

Man, movies are REALLY dumb.

Worst Movie Cliché – The Answer Changes, Again!

Movie Cliche

Oh, and Guns That Don’t Need Reloading And Can Fire 2.7 Botrizillion Bullets in 0.8 Nanoseconds Without Getting So Hot They Undergo Spontaneous Nuclear Fusion. Bad guys who can’t aim? Robots and machines that operate without any conceivable power source. Don’t even get me STARTED on stupid Iron Man and his super stupid “Reaction mass? What the hell is reaction mass?” suit.

Movie Cliche

Oh, And Men and Women in Movies Who Get Into a Big Fight Over the Dumbest Misunderstandings in the History of Misunderstandings.

Ones that can be corrected with fewer than a dozen simple English words. Like in the movie Hitch.

Eva Mendes finds out that Will Smith is Hitch. She could go to him and say,
Hey, are you Hitch? My friend got really screwed by this Hitch person. What’s up with that?
And Will Smith would have said, “Yeah, I’m Hitch, but I didn’t work with your friend.”
Oh, thank goodness,” says Eva.

Smooch. Problem solved.

But instead she goes bananas, stupidity ensues, but of course, it all works out in the end. Dumb.

Movies Are Dumb. Simple As That.

Movie Cliche

You know what? Nearly all movies are full of dumb. We have movies with cars the size of cars that suddenly transform to robots the size of skyscrapers. We have movies where a general steals a spaceship and then flies it really low to kill the blue native people so they can wipe him out with bows and arrows rather than just nuking them from orbit and taking their magical floating rocks. We’ve got a door that was TOTALLY big enough for Jack to fit on (my second biggest annoyance with that movie). Yeah, that’s my 2nd biggest pet peeve about Titanic.

You wanna know what #1 is? Of course, you do. That selfish lady, who froze her boyfriend to death and then pushed him into the ocean, you know, that girl…she then allows a team of researchers and explorers to search and search for a gem that she knows isn’t down there, only to then throw it down there after they’ve given up looking. Some undeserving not Bill Paxton loser is gonna find that thing just SITTING there and Bill Paxton is going to start drinking and think he’s a failure and then his wife is going to leave him and he’ll die lonely and broken and all because Kate Winslet is a MONSTER.

I’m Changing My Answer One Last Time: Worst Movie Cliché?

Movie Cliche

Movie Characters That Do Incredibly Stupid Things That No Real Person Would Do

Almost always because they have feelings, really deep emotional feelings, and those feelings are so feely that they have to feel out their feelings in ways that no person ever felt before. So they walk along beaches alone for hours without telling anyone where they went because feeeeeelings and then everyone thinks they’re dead. Or they drop jewels into the ocean because feeeeeeelings and ruin careers just to assuage their guilt over not sharing the flotsam. Or they leave relationships because feeeeeelings only you totally know they’re getting back together and the leaving is hollow because the reason is the dumbest ever.

Crap. I forgot Cell Phone Reception in a Cave during a Typhoon.

Movie Cliche

Forget it – this answer is too hard.

Source: Dave ConsiglioQuora – Movie Cliche


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