Joaquin Phoenix as Joker – Will He Play the Joker in DC’s Standalone Movie?

It Has Been Reported That the Former Oscar Winner is in Talks to Play DC’s Greatest Villain in a Martin Scorsese-produced Origin Movie – Joaquin Phoenix as Joker

Joaquin Phoenix as Joker

It’s no mystery that DCEU was planning to go ahead with a standalone Joker movie. While Jared Leto was the automatic choice for the standalone movie since he played the Clown Prince of Crime in DCEU’s massive flop Suicide Squad, it was heavily rumoured that WB was looking for an alternative. Leto, however, will still appear as the Joker in the standard DCEU timeline.

Last year, DC and its parent company, Warner Bros were in the early stages of another Batman Universe spinoff movie; this one focusing on the origins of his arch nemesis: The Joker. The film will explore Joker’s origins before he became the dreaded villain and will be set in the early-’80s Gotham City. To ease the confusion, WB has stated that the movie will be set in a separate timeline and won’t affect the current DCEU Comicverse.

It was reported that Todd Phillips (The Hangover), Martin Scorsese (Taxi Driver) and Scott Silver (The Fighter) were approached to be a part of the movie with Phillips directing, Scorsese producing it along with Phillips. Of course, once Martin Scorsese was linked to a Joker standalone movie, people automatically began to picture Leonardo DiCaprio as Patient Zero as right now DiCaprio is Scorsese’s go-to actor (like Robert De Niro was at one point). That’d be swell, as DiCaprio is one of the few Hollywood actors who can pull off playing The White Duke of Death, though surpassing Ledger’s legacy will never be up for debate.

There had even been rumours that Leonardo DiCaprio would take on the role, but things didn’t pan out. Now, the new report from the rumour mill is that Joaquin Phoenix is in talks to play Joker in the new movie.

Joaquin Phoenix as Joker – What Do You Think?

Joaquin Phoenix as Joker

According to sources at Variety, the Oscar-nominated actor is the top choice for the role with some stating that he has already signed on but Warner Bros has not yet provided confirmation. Director Todd Phillips has been reported to have met with Phoenix and is waiting for the studio’s approval.

Variety reports that sources have confirmed ‘while studio negotiations are not yet underway, Phillips has made it clear that Phoenix is the top choice to star,’ and what’s more, Joaquin has ‘agreed’ to the role.

Joaquin Phoenix was previously approached to play Lex Luthor in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and the titular role of Doctor Strange. But, he passed the offer as he wasn’t too excited to be a part of superhero movies as it requires concentrating on the set-pieces rather than the character itself.

Joaquin Phoenix as Joker

I’ve flirted with several of those films, having meetings and getting close, but ultimately it never felt like they’d really be fulfilling. There were too many requirements that went against my instincts for character. I’ve been spoiled. I’ve never had to make those compromises. I’ve not met a director yet with one of those films where we go through the script, they say: ‘You know what, fuck this set-piece, let’s focus on the character!’ I understand, but it’s best I don’t do it.
Joaquin Phoenix, speaking to Time Out in 2015

Joaquin Phoenix as Joker – The Million Dollar Question – Can He Pull It Off?

Joaquin Phoenix as Joker

The Joker is one of the, no, he is the most iconic villain in all of fiction and many actors have played the Joker in different movies/TV series etc. The most remembered and the best-loved actor to portray the King of Arkham is, of course, Heath Ledger who earned a posthumous Academy Award for his role in The Dark Knight (2008). Others who have also played the Clown Prince of Crime: Jack Nicholson in Batman (1989), Mark Hamill in almost all animated versions, Jared Leto in Suicide Squad (2016), Cesar Romero in Batman TV Series (1966), Cameron Monaghan in Gotham TV Series (2014).

Will Joaquin Phoenix, if he takes on the role, do justice to the legacy of the most loved villain in the entertainment industry?

Guess, we’ll have to wait to find out…

What do you think? Let us know in the comments!


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