Avengers Infinity War Deaths – Who Lives, Who Dies?

Avengers Infinity War Deaths – Spoilers, duh! Some perished while others survived… Here’s a list of the superheroes who made it and the superheroes who didn’t in Avengers: Infinity War



You’re not the only one!

After coming out of the theatre, I was racking my brains hard, trying to remember the Avengers who survived and the ones who bit the dust. It took a few minutes, but I finally remembered, though I was a tad bit unsure.

And, like me, though you’ve seen Avengers: Infinity War, maybe you’re not too sure of the death count. You can’t exactly remember who will appear in the upcoming Avengers 4, the mother of all finales. After all, it was an overwhelming moment when Thanos destroys half the Marvel comicverse!

Here’s some help.

Image result for spoilers alert gif

WARNING! Spoiler alert!

Avengers Infinity War Deaths – Who Lives?

Iron Man/Tony Stark
Thanos stabs Tony but spares him after Doctor Strange makes a deal to hand over the Time Stone if he lets Tony live. Tony Stark lives to fight another day. If he has to die, it will be in the final chapter, not this one

Captain America/Steve Rogers
Goes up one on one against Thanos and survives. As expected, Steve Rogers lives to fight another day. If he has to die, it will be in the final chapter, not this one


Thor Odinson
Almost kills Thanos with his new hammer, Stormbreaker. On a different note, he also gets an eye back! Thor Odinson lives to fight another day. If he has to die, it will be in the final chapter, not this one


Hulk/Bruce Banner
The Hulk refuses to take over Banner after being curb-stomped by Thanos at the beginning of the movie. Bruce Banner lives to fight another day. If he has to die, it will be in the final chapter, not this one


Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff
Takes out several of Thanos’ children. Natasha Romanoff lives to fight another day. If she has to die, it will be in the final chapter, not this one


War Machine/James Rhodes
Faces immediate court martial after disobeying direct orders to arrest Captain America


Travels with Thor to planet Nidavellir to help him forge his new hammer


Imprisoned by Thanos at planet Titan when she tries to assassinate him. Saved by Gamora after she gives up the location of the Soul Stone



Avengers Infinity War Deaths – Who Dies?

Loki Odinson
Thor’s Ship – Strangled by Thanos when Loki deceives him and tries to assassinate him

Thor’s Ship – Killed by Thanos with a spear after he channels dark energy to open the Bifrost and send Hulk back to Earth


Gamora Zen Whoberi Ben Titan
Planet Voromir – Thrown off a cliff by Thanos in planet Voromir to obtain the final Infinity Stone – the Soul Stone. A soul for a soul; the sacrifice of a loved one for the stone


The Vision
Planet Earth – Killed by Thanos. After Scarlet Witch destroys the Mind Stone in Vision’s forehead, Thanos uses the Time Stone to rewind time and restore the stone; he crushes Vision’s head as he takes the final  Infinity Stone


White Wolf/Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Planet Earth – Disintegrated when Thanos flicks his fingers and destroys half the Universe


Black Panther/King T’Challa
Planet Earth – Disintegrated when Thanos flicks his fingers and destroys half the Universe


Falcon/Sam Wilson
Planet Earth – Disintegrated when Thanos flicks his fingers and destroys half the Universe


Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff
Planet Earth – Disintegrated when Thanos flicks his fingers and destroys half the Universe


Spider-Man/Peter Parker
Planet Titan – Disintegrated when Thanos flicks his fingers and destroys half the Universe


Doctor Strange/Stephen Strange
Planet Titan – Disintegrated when Thanos flicks his fingers and destroys half the Universe


The Guardians of the Galaxy
Planet Titan – Star-Lord, Groot, Drax and Mantis are disintegrated when Thanos flicks his fingers and destroys half the Universe. Only Rocket survives


Maria Hill
Planet Earth – Disintegrated when Thanos flicks his fingers and destroys half the Universe (post-credits)

Nick Fury
Planet Earth – Disintegrated when Thanos flicks his fingers and destroys half the Universe (post-credits)


Also, as I mentioned in my review

…it’s very important to note that the original Avengers team survives. Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow and, possibly, Hawkeye survive Thanos’ universal genocide. This means that the original members of the Avengers Initiative will assemble one last time to take down the Mad Titan and bring back their spandex-wearing superhero friends in the upcoming Avengers 4.

This is a nice way to emphasise and highlight the founding members of Avengers in a sea of heroes in the final chapter as they unite to execute Marvel’s coup de grâce. The original Avengers deserve the moment, because, this time, it’s personal!. Also, it’s their movie, after all!

Here’s the full review:

Avengers: Infinity War Review – Thanos Kicks Superhero A**


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