Pakistan’s Hidden Shame – A Story Of Rampant Sexual Exploitation Of Young Boys In The So-Called Islamic Nation

Pakistan’s Hidden Shame – Highlighting the Unchecked and Unrestrained Sexual Abuse of Pubescent Boys in Pakistan – An Analysis


What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when someone says ‘Pakistan’? India’s archenemy? State-sponsored terrorism? Illegal occupation of Kashmir? Islamic nation gone wrong?

While all the above answers may be true, there is another word which seals the country’s ill-fated luck: Bacchabaazi or the activities involving sexual relations between older men and younger adolescent men, or boys.

FYI: Islam is extremely prejudiced against homosexuality, defining it as against the law of nature. Homosexuality is a strict no-no in Islam, and it looks down upon the LGBT community as a disease to be eradicated.

Yes, the only country to have been created in the name of Islam is the biggest hypocrite of them all. The people there rarely abide by the laws of their overtly-strict religion, instead choosing to make up their own rules to satisfy their lust while willfully side-stepping the authoritarian Islamic doctrines that sternly forbid such acts. These hypocrites then talk about being god-fearing Muslims who want the entire world to be under Sharia Law. Go figure!

Pakistan, the fifth most populous country in the world, treats its own children worse than it treats its nemesis: India.

Pakistan’s Hidden Shame – the Humiliation of Islam by the very People Who Swear to Uphold It

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Pakistan’s Hidden Shame depicts the shocking reality of sexual abuse faced by small boys in the Northern areas of Pakistan, mainly Peshawar. Written and produced by double-Emmy Award winner Jamie Doran, directed by Mohammed Naqvi and narrated by Juliet Stevenson, the documentary shows homeless boys of different ages recalling their experiences of sexual exploitation. Pakistan’s Hidden Shame is a brave attempt to bring public attention to an issue that is otherwise rarely talked about.

Sample this: 9 out of 10 street children from all over Pakistan have suffered some form of sexual abuse.
If you find that hard to believe, try wrapping your head around this: 95% of truck drivers admitted that having sex with boys is their main entertainment.

Yes. According to the documentary, boys as young as eight are regularly raped and humiliated by older men, mostly truck drivers. At the start of the documentary, one truck driver admits to having raped 11 or 12 boys, without any sign of remorse.

The documentary asks quite a few men about why they indulge in pedophilia and/or rape of young boys; and all they had to say for themselves is that they are horny and can’t stop themselves.


Pakistan is a country in denial, turning a blind eye to the sexual exploitation of many thousands of poor and vulnerable children.
Juliet Stevenson, Narrator

Pakistan’s Hidden Shame – Talking To People Who Commit Pedophilia and Rape

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Talking to a makeshift hotel owner at the bus stands of Peshawar, the documentary reveals some incredible low-lifes:

Do people come to you and ask you to arrange children for them?

Hassan Din:
Yes, often. A bus driver asks to rent a bed from me and he says he’ll pay an extra 50 or 100 rupees if I can get him a boy for the night. There’s often a kid wandering the streets alone. We tell these boys we’ll provide food and shelter if they come with us. That’s how we lure them in. They are helpless once they accept.

 I’ve also abused children, twice. One was eight and the other was ten.

Another interview goes like this:

Bus Conductor:
There was a kid on this bus, and everyone had sex with him. Everyone was horny, so they f**ked him in the ass. I did it too, but what else could I do? They invited me. He was that kind of boy anyway.

When the evidence was presented to Imran Khan, the world-famous cricketer now turned politician, he was shocked and alarmed looking at the data.

I must say, I know it happened, but, I didn’t reaslise it happened to the extent you’re saying. It’s one of the most sad and shameful aspects of our society and I’m totally embarrassed by this figure.

Pakistan’s Hidden Shame – The Factors Involved

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The culture of sexual denial that runs through Pakistani society has led to an increase in child abuse of the worst kind. The segregation of the sexes is one of the biggest contributing factors that lead to increased child sexual abuse. In Islamic society, women are considered greatly inferior to men and are habitually kept out of the public eye (not to mention that their every action is closely dictated, monitored and controlled. E.g. Burkha, hijab, male polygamy etc.) Women have little or no freedom in Islamic countries; their free will isn’t theirs and is at the mercy of the family patriarch, be it the father or the brother or the husband. So, it’s not considered appropriate for a man and a woman to be seen in public, unless they are blood-related.

A woman is a thing you keep at home. I’m going to look for a wife who’s read the Qur’an and who prays. A good, respectable woman.
Bus Conductor, a habitual rapist who has admitted to raping 10-12 boys

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Another factor is the cycle of abuse: many of the men who commit pedophilia/rape were themselves subjected to sexual abuse as children. This abuse changes a boy and he grows up to continue this vicious cycle – I rape as I have been raped. This is evident when one of the kids in the documentary says that he had also abused another boy, just as he had been abused.

Have you ever abused another boy?

Yes, I have. It was before Ramzan. There was a boy about ten or eleven, younger than me. I took him to the cinema and spent money on him. He was okay with it. But, when we left the cinema, he said he didn’t want to do it anymore. So, then I grabbed him and forced him to do it.

Pakistan’s Hidden Shame – Sexual Repression, Gender Bias, Drugs, Poverty – The Never-Ending Cycle

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Sexual repression in Islam is another underlying factor which leads to sexual depravation, and, ultimately, sexual abuse on the only available outlet: children. An expert claims that the suppression of sex between consenting adults drives many to release their frustration by sexually abusing boys.

Money is also a major factor that comes into play here. Homeless children, with no money for food or shelter, are forced to prostitute themselves to older men to sustain themselves. Many children, who have already been a victim of pedophilia, regularly sell their bodies to ensure their own survival.

When a child first comes to the streets, he might not know what sex is. He’ll be scared the first time he is abused. But, gradually he’ll get numb to it. Then the child thinks that instead of giving themselves away for free, they can start earning by prostituting their bodies.
Raqsana Malik, social psychologist

The first time I sold myself, I didn’t have any money. So, I did it three times with a man and, in return, he gave me 3000 rupees. I was eight and a half at that time.
Naeem, one of the abused kids

Then, there is the drug problem. Being close to the Afghan border means that Peshawar is a drug-haven for addicts. So, boys who have been sexually abused turn to drugs (mainly heroin, hash or glue) to numb the emptiness inside them.

Last, but not the least, there is always the incompetent Pakistani government which refuses to hear the cries of these children. The police are indifferent towards the plight of the children, and since terrorism is rife in the country, the protection of children isn’t a priority for them.

Times are bad. We have no time to deal with this. There are bomb blasts and terrorist attacks happening, so, we don’t have any time to think about children.
A Police Hawaldar

Pakistan’s Hidden Shame – There Are Pakistanis Who Are Still Fighting The Good Fight

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Of course, there are a number of Pakistani citizens who are trying to help the children anyway they can. But, like all good men, they are few and largely outnumbered, and hence, don’t count in the bigger scheme of things.

Note: I would love to say that things have changed since the documentary aired in 2014. The fact of the matter is that, Pakistan has seen little or no change on this front; the sexual abuse is still rampant as it was before. As the policeman stressed, the country cannot bothered with the safety of homeless children when the whole nation is under threat of regular bomb blasts and other terrorist acts.

But, there are Pakistanis who are doing their best to ensure the safety of children, they are still fighting… with no end in sight.

Be it our children or our enemy’s, what’s happening is WRONG and needs to be stopped, country and religion be damned! Humanity comes before everything else. Let us support the good citizens of Pakistan as they battle to keep this evil at bay.

Pakistan’s Hidden Shame – Are You Ashamed Yet, Pak? You Should Be!

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Homosexual acts are forbidden in traditional Islamic jurisprudence and are liable to different punishments, including the death penalty. Yet, Pakistani men frequently indulge in the appalling act of pedophilia, taking delight in their power over children.

After seeing the documentary, all I can say to Pakistan is this: Maybe you should better concentrate on your own country before you try to invade others. You’d be better off taking care of your children before you think of enslaving everyone else.

Maybe that’s why Pakistan sends so many of its citizens (read terrorists) over to the border. “Let India deal with our pedophiles!

Pakistan’s Hidden Shame – Watch It Here:

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