Famous Directors, Small Beginnings Pt. II – Before They Became Reputable Directors

Famous Directors, Small Beginnings (Part II) - Because, You Have to Start Somewhere… Debut Movies of Famous Directors II Continued from last week's Famous Directors, Small Beginnings Pt. I, showcasing here are the earliest pieces of works that Hollywood's most illustrious directors created before they became household names in Tinseltown. Buckle up, fellas, these are movies … Continue reading Famous Directors, Small Beginnings Pt. II – Before They Became Reputable Directors

Quentin Tarantino’s Star Trek – An R-Rated Space Adventure

Breaking News! Quentin Tarantino’s Star Trek – Daring to Go Where Star Trek Movies Have Never Gone Before - Into R-Rated Territory Quentin Tarantino’s Star Trek Quentin Tarantino and Star Trek? Wait! That doesn’t sound right. But, it is! It seems that the legendary director has pitched a Star Trek movie to Paramount and is secretly … Continue reading Quentin Tarantino’s Star Trek – An R-Rated Space Adventure