Black Mirror Season 4 – Darker Than Before, Almost Better – Review

Black Mirror Season 4 – Showcasing the Dangers of Technology in the Hands of Damaged People Black Mirror Season 4 [yasr_overall_rating] The moment we’ve been waiting for all year is finally here. Charlie Booker’s much acclaimed Black Mirror is back on Netflix with its new season; six new standalone episodes of thought-provoking content which promises … Continue reading Black Mirror Season 4 – Darker Than Before, Almost Better – Review

The One Where Ross Invents San Junipero

Can Sitcom Characters Effectively Predict The Future? This Dude Predicted Black Mirror's San Junipero… The One Where Ross Invents San Junipero “So, I just finished this fascinating book. By the year 2030, there'll be computers that can carry out the same amount of functions as an actual human brain. So theoretically you could download your … Continue reading The One Where Ross Invents San Junipero