The Legacy of Heath Ledger’s Joker – The Character – Part II

A Glimpse Into The Psyche of Heath Ledger's Joker – The Character In a recent post, The Legacy of Heath Ledger's Clown - Part I, I spoke about Heath Ledger’s famous portrayal of the Joker, a performance that earned him a posthumous Oscar for the Best Actor in a Supporting Role. The article focused on … Continue reading The Legacy of Heath Ledger’s Joker – The Character – Part II

The Legacy of Heath Ledger’s Joker – The Actor – Part I

A Glimpse Into The Psyche of Heath Ledger's Unstoppable Force – The Actor Since childhood, I’ve always been fascinated with comics and graphic novels, and this fascination automatically drew me towards the multiverse of DC & Marvel; they had me captivated with the sheer amount of superheroes and supervillains. As I dove headfirst into the … Continue reading The Legacy of Heath Ledger’s Joker – The Actor – Part I

The Christopher Nolan Oscar Snub Story – Snubbed at the Oscars like Leo DiCaprio!

Christopher Nolan is not the Greatest Director of all Time, but He is One of the Best Filmmakers out there. But, Nolan has been Snubbed at the Oscars almost every time; does Dunkirk have any Hope? The Christopher Nolan Oscar Snub Story Love him or hate; you cannot deny the auteurship and the genius intellect … Continue reading The Christopher Nolan Oscar Snub Story – Snubbed at the Oscars like Leo DiCaprio!

The Rightful Victor in The Dark Knight

Who Actually Wins At The End of 'The Dark Knight'? Batman or Joker? We Might Have An Answer The Dark Knight (2008) The Dark Knight is an ageless classic that gets better with every viewing; it is the best superhero movie in the history of the genre, period. Contrary to popular belief (read Bat-haters), it … Continue reading The Rightful Victor in The Dark Knight

I’m Batman – The Best Superhero Ever – An Analysis

What Makes a Superhero – Striking Costumes, Cool Capes, Latest Gadgets or the Human Being Within? Batman - The Best Superhero Ever Batman - The Best Superhero Ever Batman has been around for almost eight decades and in that time he has continuously adapted and evolved to become the most popular comic character in the … Continue reading I’m Batman – The Best Superhero Ever – An Analysis